Children should be able to:
- Make a tally chart
- Draw a pictogram
- Interpret a pictogram
- Create and interpret a block diagram
Children should be able to:
- Recognise the pounds and pence symbols (£ and p)
- Count pence coins
- Count pound coins and notes
- Count pounds and pence together
- Choose coins and notes to make a given amount of money
- Make a given amount of money in different ways
- Compare different amounts of money
- Add money
- Make a pound
- Find change
Children should be able to:
- Recognise and make equal groups
- Add equal groups
- Know the multiplication symbol
- Complete multiplication sentences
- Use arrays
- Know the 2 times table
- Double numbers
- Know odd and even numbers
- Know the 10 times table
- Know the 5 times table
Children should be able to:
- Make equal groups by grouping
- Make equal groups by sharing
- Divide by 2
- Half numbers
- Divide by 10
- Divide by 5