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Rood End Primary School

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Uniform Information

At Rood End primary School we pride ourselves on always being 'Ready, Respectful and Safe'. We believe that our uniform supports us in doing this everyday. 

It is an expectation that children wear the correct uniform everyday to school - including on trip and PE days. 

Key points taken from our Uniform policy - 

  • 4.1 PE kit should follow the school expectations to adhere with health and safety requirements and the uniform policy. Children not in correct PE kit will be unable to take part in the physical aspect of the lesson. Children must also have the correct PE kit to take part in after school sports clubs. 
  • 4.1 Bags - the school cannot accommodate back packs/large school bags due to space, which is very limited. Children will ONLY need the book bag they will be given at the beginning of the school and a small draw string bag/carrier bag for their PE kit. We will NOT be able to store large school bags and these will be sent home. 
  • 5.3 Children and parents will be reminded of the uniform expectations regularly and regular breaches of the uniform policy will be dealt with in line with our behaviour policy.


For further information and clarification please see our full uniform policy below. 




Navy Blue jumper/cardigan

White polo shirt

Grey or black trousers/skirt

Black/grey/white socks

Black (plain) trainers or shoes


PE Kit

White t-shirt

Black Shorts

Black leggings/joggers 

Black (plain) pumps or trainers


