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Rood End Primary School

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


The teachers working in year 2 are: 

   - Mr Hyde (class teacher)
   - Mrs Ohana (HLTA)
   - Miss Dutton (LSA)
Miss Allis (class teacher)
Mrs Byatt (LSA)
Mrs Bi (1:1)


P.E. will be every Tuesday.

Children must come to school in their uniform with their P.E. kit in a bag.

Home Learning


If you are not in school please use the following links to complete work from home. 


Maths - Money


English - using adjectives in our writing 


Science - materials


Geography - continents 


Please use Rocket Phonics to read the book assigned to you.


You can also access activities on:

Purple Mash

I am Learning

Reading Eggs


If you need any logins, please contact a member of staff in Year 2. Thank you :)
