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Rood End Primary School

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We have worked hard to develop a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum for our pupils. Our curriculum has been developed with the school drivers of ASPIRATIONS, CURIOSITY and EXPERIENCES in mind





Curriculum Statement of Intent


We are an inclusive school where children and adults work together in an environment of respect. Children are taught to have a positive, caring attitude towards others. We expect high standards of personal behaviour and an understanding of the diversity and richness of the different backgrounds of our school community. We celebrate differences and different kinds of families. Support is given to children through mentoring, our school Counsellor and our Family Support Worker.


The school offers a broad, balanced curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum and our aim is to provide programmes of study that meet the needs, interests and abilities of all children through adaptations. Skills and knowledge are clearly sequenced to ensure ambition and progression. Skills and knowledge will often lead to defined outcomes: providing purpose, enrichment and application of learning. The curriculum is aligned to our school values, where we expect all pupils to be: inclusive, respectful, resilient, honest and collaborative.


We do our utmost to maximise success for all children by giving them the best teaching and learning experiences. Extra-curricular activities include sports, cooking, computing and art. They are provided by members of the school team and outside sporting agencies with additional external tuition for specialisms such as djembe drumming. To make learning engaging and accessible, we celebrate events such as World Book Day or have theme days where the children can dress up, make models or use role play to explore new topics. 


Principles of Teaching and Learning at Rood End

  • Active learners who understand what they have achieved and know what to do to make progress
  • Children who are enthusiastic and motivated to learn and who are not anxious about the next steps in their learning
  • Learning is clearly sequenced so that prior learning is retained and gives children a secure foundation to move onto more challenging work
  • All pupils are able to access the curriculum
  • High expectations for all pupils in and outside the classroom
  • Staff are knowledgeable about the children they teach: their interests, strengths and areas to develop
  • Relationships built on trust so that children can flourish regardless of their life experiences


By the time pupils leave Rood End Primary, they will have cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills to prepare them for future learning. 


Parents are welcome to contact the school and learn more about our engaging curriculum. Updates will be provided via newsletters and text messaging links. 
