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Rood End Primary School

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Welcome to Reception!

We have had a fantastic start to our new school year and the children have really settled in well and have enjoyed exploring their new classrooms.  We have all really enjoyed building new relationships with each other and making lots of new friends.  Everyone is excited for the year ahead!  For some children the first few weeks in Reception can be a little overwhelming and they may find it difficult at times separating from their parent/carers. Please be assured that this is normal and once they are in school it doesn't take them long to settle!


Our Team


Wren Class 

Mrs Wright

Mrs Browne

Mrs Bi

Badger Class 

Miss Batool

Mrs Pearce

Miss Swingler 


Arrival and Dismissal

Our school day begins at 8.35am.  The children will need to be in school for registration by 8.45am.  On arrival, there are always members of staff to greet the children and pass on any messages you may have.  Teachers will be in classrooms settling the children into school routines so if you require a conversation with them, please call the office where an appointment can be made.

Dismissing children at home time always takes a little longer at the beginning of the year as we get to know you, please be patient with us and give us a wave so we can identify you in the playground. We ask all parents to wait behind the gated area when collecting children to ensure we can see all parents and dismiss children safely. Please inform us if somebody different is collecting your child.


At Rood End, we teach children to become independent and look after their belongings so it is important that these are all clearly labelled. This includes all uniform, shoes, coats, P.E kit, book bags and bottles.  There is a Lost Property area located in our school foyer should your child misplace something.


Snack Time

The children have snacks available both morning and afternoon. They are provided with a piece of fruit or toast. No additional snacks should be brought into school please. You can also provide your child with a water bottle for them to use throughout the day.  This can be filled with water, flavoured water or squash.  No juice or fizzy pop please!
